Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
Texas Outreach

A 501 (c)(4) Nonprofit Organization
“the reasonable voice regarding animal issues in Texas!”

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A 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

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Responsible Pet Owners Alliance

Texas Outreach

Legislators Packet
84th Session of the Texas State Legislature


RPOA Positions & Analysis of Animal Bills Filed

Animal Welfare vs Animal Rights

Where Did All the Dogs Go?  By AKC

Humane Society of the United States

RPOA Letter to Governor Abbott
Regarding HB 1451, the misnamed “Puppy Mill” Bill

(Similar letters were sent to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick,
Speaker Joe Straus, and Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.)


Unfortunately we have not received any response to these letters regarding our request to move the administration and enforcement of HB 1451, the misnamed “Puppy Mill” Bill, to be under the Texas Department of Agriculture instead of the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation, which is heavily influenced by “animal rights” staff and has no animal expertise.  The Breeder Advisory Committee is also “stacked” with PETA types.

This change in administration is imperative for the future of pet ownership in Texas!

Copyright 2015 RPOA Texas Outreach. All rights reserved.