Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
Texas Outreach

A 501 (c)(4) Nonprofit Organization
“the reasonable voice regarding animal issues in Texas!”

An affiliate of Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
A 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

It's your donations that make all things possible!  Have you donated to our Legislative Action Fund recently?


Lobby Day
Dates of Interest
Position on Bills Filed
Suggested Dialogue
Available Parking
Find Your Legislator
Capital Complex
Exhibit Space
Capitol Ext. Lvl E1
Capitol Ext. Lvl E2
Capitol 1st Flr
Capitol 2nd Flr
Capitol 3rd Flr
Capitol 4th Flr
House Committees
Senate Committees


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Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
Texas Outreach

Every day is Lobby Day!

The majority of our diverse membership work weekdays and are unable to attend an
official RPOA Lobby Day in Austin.  Therefore we’re launching a new approach.
Please contact your elected officials’ offices personally and make an appointment
for yourself with the legislators or their staff at your convenience.
Drop-Ins are also welcome!  Just register with the office and
be sure to leave our “Legislators Packet” with them.

If you are new to the legislative process, no problem!
Meetings are brief and we provide the “Legislators Packet” which is full of information.
Ask them if they own a pet as that’s always a great opening statement.
If you don’t want to go alone, see if club members, friends, family, would like to go with you.
Perhaps we can arrange for an RPOA buddy to go with you. 

Legislators always like to meet their constituents personally in their offices.
If the legislator is busy, his aide will meet with you.  The aides are very important and will convey
your comments to the legislator.  Due to 8,000 of bills filed each year, legislators depend
heavily on their aides for guidance as they cannot possibly read all the bills.
By leaving written material, your opinions will be crystal clear and not forgotten.

 The “Legislators Packet” and our Bill Positions
may be printed out from links on this website under “2015 TX Legislature”
as well as maps of the Capitol, Parking, Restrooms, and Cafeteria.  It’s all here!
It is up to each person to keep their legislators (representative and senator) informed
 regarding each bill on our listing being heard in committees – whether oppose or support! 

E-mail with attachments is easily deleted. 
Therefore we recommend faxes as best, or snail mail or do all three! 

For more information:  E-mail and
please send us feedback from this important meeting or 
any contact you have with your elected representatives. 


Copyright 2015 RPOA Texas Outreach. All rights reserved.